Kerry Morrison
Is your website secretly repelling customers?
Want to boost your website's impact? Try this 30-second trick.
Open your homepage.
Look for these words:
* me
* we
* my
* ours
* I
Count how many times they appear.
Many businesses focus on themselves without realizing it.
But here's the thing:
Your customers care about their own
Don't Be a Dick
Don’t insult your potential customers.
And never make assumptions in your outreach.
You may offer the most outstanding email marketing service ever imagined in the history of man.
But if your outreach says anything along the lines of;
“struggling with email?”
“finally, you can get email working for
No one gives a shit about you
Not you personally.
I’m sure you are a fantastic human and worthy of love.
But when it comes to what you’re building, the product you’re selling, or the service you’re offering.
People do not care about you.
They don’t give a hoot about your features
You Don't Start at the Finish Line
I talked with three entrepreneurs this weekend.
Founders about to launch their products into the world.
And they were all about to blow it.
( maybe ).
( launching anything is hard, so the odds are stacked against you as it is ).
Here’s why I think they were all going to struggle.
AI is Nothing Without You
AI doesn't know if it's spitting out gold or garbage - but you better.
Let's talk ChatGPT and Claude.
They're game-changers, no doubt about it.
But here's the thing: they're only as good as the brains ( and the
Shut Up and Listen: A Counter-Intuitive Path to Success
Listening is more powerful than speaking.
I think about this often.
It's no secret that in our society, we're often pressured to speak up, demonstrate our value, or show off our intelligence. But in reality, it's the power of listening that truly shines.
The 5-Second Rule for Marketing Copy
We've all heard of the 5-second rule for dropped food.
Did you know there's a 5-second rule for marketing copy, too?
(Spoiler: It's less about floor germs and more about grabbing attention.)
Here's how to make your copy stick in 5 seconds
Don't Mumble
The best piece of advice from one of my favorite business books.
Don't mumble.
It's from a book called Writing That Works.
David Ogilvy said everyone should read it three times.
And as always, he was right.
This example is from the first few pages:
Better Together: Why Marketing and Product Need Each Other
Your marketing team and your product team shouldn't be separate.
They're both the story of what you make and who you are.
Sales is simply marketing with a closing mindset, but that's for another time.
The sooner you get these two groups working closely