Don't Be a Dick

Don't Be a Dick
Photo by Reno Laithienne / Unsplash

Don’t insult your potential customers.

And never make assumptions in your outreach.

You may offer the most outstanding email marketing service ever imagined in the history of man.

But if your outreach says anything along the lines of;

“struggling with email?”


“finally, you can get email working for your business.”

Or, my favorite,

“stop sending emails that don’t work.”

People will not go any further in the process.

You can make the same points without the blame.

“Have any interest in hearing how I grew client X and client Y to a 4000% growth in their email campaigns? Here’s how I did it ( then give them real and valuable guidance ).”

Your job is to help.
To give value.
To build trust.

Not to insult.

And not to expect things to happen on a timeline that benefits only you.

Be better.

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