Welcome to How it All Works

Welcome to How it All Works
Photo by Miikka Luotio / Unsplash

I do not get the uproar over the Google Superfans / influencer program. 

These are paid ( even if it’s through free product ) extensions of the marketing team at Google. 

They’re not independent reviewers ( and if they proclaim to be, shame on them ), they’re being tapped for their audience. 

So why wouldn’t Google enforce some restriction on how they represent the brand? 

No different than every other marketing channel. 

The bigger lesson here, if you’re a brand…👇🏻 reviewers the same access. 

Give reviewers the same access, and let them say whatever they want. 

Stand behind your products, and don’t expect every single person to love them. 

In fact, embrace the negative reviews.

Learn from them. 

Invite those reviewers to give feedback ( and listen to it ). 

Have product team members reach out to them ( you think they won’t give you more free coverage for this? ). 

How is this so difficult. 

And people. Stop being outraged that brands buy love and attention. 

They all do.

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