Is your website secretly repelling customers?

Is your website secretly repelling customers?
Photo by James Lee / Unsplash

Want to boost your website's impact? Try this 30-second trick.

Open your homepage.

Look for these words:

  • me
  • we
  • my
  • ours
  • I

Count how many times they appear.

Many businesses focus on themselves without realizing it.

But here's the thing:

Your customers care about their own needs first.

They want to know how you can help them.

Try this:

For every "we," think about how you could say "you" instead.

Turn "our services" into "your solutions."

Small changes can make a big difference.

They show customers you understand their challenges.

You're here to solve their problems.

Ready to connect better with your audience?

Give your website a quick check.

See how you can put your customers front and center.

It might just be the boost your business needs.

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