No one gives a shit about you

No one gives a shit about you
Photo by Annie Spratt / Unsplash

Not you personally. 

I’m sure you are a fantastic human and worthy of love. 

But when it comes to what you’re building, the product you’re selling, or the service you’re offering. 

People do not care about you. 

They don’t give a hoot about your features or your promises. 

They do not care about how the sausage is made or why you think what you have is the greatest invention since toast. 

Your audience cares about one thing and one thing only. 

What can you do for them. 

That’s it. That’s the whole secret of marketing and sales. 

Tell people how you’ll make them better, thinner, prosperous, attractive, or successful, and you win. 

Paint a picture of their life and how much better it will be after they pay/hire/buy from you, and you’ll be on your way. 

Stop selling you and start helping them. 

It’s the only thing that has ever worked. 

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