Shut Up and Listen: A Counter-Intuitive Path to Success

Shut Up and Listen: A Counter-Intuitive Path to Success
Photo by Franco Antonio Giovanella / Unsplash

Listening is more powerful than speaking.

I think about this often. 

It's no secret that in our society, we're often pressured to speak up, demonstrate our value, or show off our intelligence. But in reality, it's the power of listening that truly shines. 

But I promise you, the most intelligent person in the room won't be the one doing all the talking. 

They'll be listening, absorbing, and formulating an informed response. 

It wasn't until I read Dale Carnegie's 'How to Win Friends and Influence People' years ago that I thought about this consciously. 

Now, the most valuable conversations are often those where I say the least.

Listening well enough to repeat back to people what they've told me before offering a solution is a powerful tool for building and establishing trust. It's a simple yet effective way to show that you value their thoughts and feelings. 

Try it sometime. You might like it.

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