The ABCs of Writing Copy That Sells Like Crazy | Kerry Morrison

The ABCs of Writing Copy That Sells Like Crazy

The ABCs of Writing Copy That Sells Like Crazy | Kerry Morrison

The ABCs of Writing Copy That Sells Like Crazy

What makes copy that sells like crazy?

Every copywriter embarks on a journey to captivate, persuade, and convert.

It’s a winding road full of emotions, trials, and triumphs.

Yet, it’s the twists and turns that make the ride worthwhile that shape your copy into a selling machine.

From understanding your audience to spinning stories, let’s embark on this quest for Writing Copy that Sells Like Crazy.

Psychology and Persuasion: The Masterminds Behind Compelling Copy

When it comes to writing copy that sells like crazy, psychology and persuasion are the dynamic duo at the helm, steering the ship toward success.

But how do these two blend together to work their magic?

Psychology is a deep understanding of how the human mind works-it’s, about what ticks and what clicks. The principles of persuasion, on the other hand, revolve around influencing people to take a desired action.

In copywriting, understanding common psychological triggers can play a significant role.

These triggers include the desire for comfort, fear of missing out (FOMO), or the need to belong. Weaving these triggers into your copy helps guide your readers toward purchasing.

For instance, when you stress how your product can solve a pain point, it resonates with your reader’s desire for comfort. Or when you highlight limited stock or time-bound discounts, it triggers FOMO, nudging your readers to buy now rather than later.

“People may forget what you said, but they’ll never forget how you made them feel.”

Persuasion techniques are like secret weapons in your arsenal. Reciprocity, for example, is a powerful tactic.

Offer something of value to your readers-a helpful blog post, a free e-book, or a complimentary trial. In return, they’ll feel inclined to give something back, like signing up for your newsletter or purchasing.

Remember, it’s not about manipulation. It’s about understanding your audience and presenting your product or service in a way that highlights its value. In the end, the choice is still theirs to make.

Sprinkling in a bit of social proof -like testimonials or case studies-can also enhances your copy’s persuasiveness. It’s human nature to trust others’ experiences, making this an effective way to build credibility and trust.

The key to successfully merging psychology and persuasion in your copy is subtlety.

You’re not hard-selling; you’re guiding, engaging, and influencing.

Crafted with care and finesse, your copy can become an irresistible symphony of persuasion that sells like crazy.

Empathy: The Heart of Resonant Copy

In the bustling marketplace of products and services, the one that can touch hearts will surely stand out. This is where empathy comes into play in copywriting.

It’s more than understanding your audience; it’s about feeling what they feel, seeing the world through their eyes, and walking a mile in their shoes.

Start by painting a detailed picture of your audience.

Dig into their hopes, dreams, their struggles, and their triumphs.

What keeps them up at night and gets them out of bed in the morning? This isn’t just about their interaction with your product or service but their lives.

Empathy in copywriting involves speaking to your audience’s emotions. It’s about acknowledging their feelings and showing them that you understand.

Human emotions are potent triggers that drive people to act.

Consider using emotive language to make your copy more empathetic. Instead of saying, “Our software helps manage tasks,” say, “Wave goodbye to the stress of unmanaged tasks.” It’s not just about what your product does but about how it improves life.

Storytelling is another excellent way to infuse empathy into your copy. People are drawn to stories-they’re memorable, engaging, and evoke emotions.

When your audience can see themselves in your stories, they’ll feel understood, connected, and more likely to trust your brand.

Creating empathetic copy isn’t about manipulation-it’s about authenticity. Show your audience that you genuinely understand and care about them.

When your audience feels seen and understood, they’ll be more likely to engage with your copy and take action.

Ultimately, copywriting isn’t just about selling-it’s about connecting. And empathy is the golden thread that weaves this connection, making your copy not just good but unforgettable.

Harnessing the Power of Narratives and Human Experiences

The human mind has a soft spot for stories-like a captivating symphony that weaves words and emotions together.

When it comes to copywriting, it’s all about transforming the mundane into the magical, the bland into the bold, and stories are your magic wand.

Consider how a typical day would be narrated: “Jane woke up, brushed her teeth, had breakfast, and went to work.” Now, how about this? “As dawn broke, Jane kicked off her day with a battle against the dragons of sleep. Toothbrush in hand, she vanquished the night’s shadows, readying herself for the day. With a satisfying breakfast as her fuel, she set out to conquer the world, one work task at a time.”

The difference is stark, isn’t it?

“Emotions are the secret sauce that add flavor to your copy and get your readers hooked.”

When we spin tales around our products or services, they become more than inanimate objects. They become heroes, guides, or companions on a journey. They transcend their physicality and connect on a deeper emotional level.

But here’s the catch: Authenticity is vital. Stories, like truth, resonate.

Fabricated tales? Not so much.

If you sell hiking gear, discuss more than the materials or the durability. Speak of the whispers of the wind as one scales heights, the feeling of accomplishment, the bond between friends, the communion with nature. Make your gear an essential character in that story.

Use visual language and metaphors to paint vivid mental images. Incorporate real-life experiences, successes, and even failures.

Remember, flaws make us human and can make your brand human. When people read your copy, they should feel, dream, and live the story. And in the end, they will remember.

Because a good product might be forgotten, but a good story? That stays.

Breaking the Mold: Unconventional Ways to Persuade

Folks, it’s time to venture off the beaten path. Let’s dive into unconventional yet incredibly effective ways to make our copy persuasive. Grab your pen or keyboard, and let’s get started.

Surprise and Delight are the name of the game.

Remember when you found a hidden Easter egg in a video game or a movie? The unexpected joy you felt? That’s what we’re aiming for. It could be a clever pun, a surprising fact, or a sudden shift in tone.

Keep your readers on their toes; they’ll hang onto every word.

Then there’s the rule of three.

It’s as simple as it is effective. Three is a magic number in storytelling and rhetoric. “I came, I saw, I conquered.” See? Even Julius Caesar agrees. Use it to structure your arguments or to emphasize your points, and voila! Your copy just got a lot more memorable.

And how about using contrarian viewpoints?

Question the common wisdom, and challenge the status quo. When everyone zigs, you zag. Why? Because it makes you stand out. It makes people stop, think, and engage. But be careful not to be contrarian just for the sake of it. Be bold, but also be right.

Subconscious Influences: Tapping into the Minds of Buyers

We’ve all been drawn to a product or service and have yet to learn precisely why. It’s as if some invisible hand guided us. Well, brace yourselves, for we’re about to peek into that mysterious realm — the subconscious mind of buyers.

The subconscious mind holds a myriad of thoughts, desires, and influences that sway our choices, often without us even realizing it. As copywriters, we can tap into this resource to subtly encourage purchases.

To start with, understanding the associations our minds form can help. Certain words, colors, or even shapes can evoke specific emotions. For instance, the word ‘home ‘brings comfort and security, while blue can signify trust and reliability.

Here’s an idea. Why not infuse your copy with elements that spark positive associations with your product or service? Of course, this isn’t a call to stuff your copy chock-full of them.

Like too much sugar in coffee, overdoing it might taste nasty.

Priming is another psychological phenomenon we can leverage. It’s the idea that exposure to one stimulus influences a response to a subsequent stimulus.

For example, if a person reads a list of words, including the word ‘table,’ and is later asked to complete a word starting with ‘tab,’ the probability that he/she will answer ‘table’ is higher than if not ‘primed.’ In copywriting, priming can subtly lead readers towards a particular thought or emotion, making them more receptive to your message.

Last but not least, the art of storytelling can effectively engage the subconscious mind. Who doesn’t love a good story?

By weaving narratives around your product or service, you can create emotional connections with your audience, making your copy more compelling and desirable.

A Marriage of SEO and Storytelling: A Match Made in Marketing Heaven

Like peanut butter and jelly, SEO, and storytelling might seem like an unlikely pair, but they can harmoniously work together to create compelling copy.

While SEO ensures your content is discoverable, storytelling ensures it’s worth discovering.

The key here is to weave them together so smoothly that your reader won’t notice where SEO ends and the story begins.

Begin by understanding the keywords your audience is searching for. But don’t just stuff them into your copy. Instead, treat them like seeds, planting them naturally within your narrative.

Your keywords should be the stepping stones that guide your reader through the story, not the roadblocks that jar them out of it.

Now, onto metaphors. Not only do they make copy that sells like crazy, but they can also boost your SEO. How? Well, search engines are getting smarter.

They’re learning to understand language as humans do. So when you say, “Our product is the key to unlocking your potential,” they know what you mean.

Linking to relevant content can also boost your SEO while enhancing your narrative. It adds depth to your story, allowing readers to explore further.

For instance, if you’re writing about improving copywriting skills, you can link to a previous blog post that dives deeper into the topic.

Remember, SEO and storytelling aren’t competing forces.

They’re two sides of the same coin, each enhancing the other.

So pen a captivating tale, and ensure it gets found. Because what good is a story if it’s not heard?

The Elements of Surprise: Injecting Creativity into Your Copy

There’s something about surprises that ignites a spark within us. Whether it’s a plot twist in a book or a surprise party, they inject excitement into our lives.

The same can be said about copywriting.

Surprise can be a powerful tool to capture attention and keep your audience engaged.

Ever stumbled upon a headline that made you do a double-take? Or a turn of phrase so unexpected that it made you laugh out loud.

That’s the power of surprise in action. It disrupts our expectations and piques our curiosity. And when we’re curious, we’re hooked.

But how do we inject surprise into our copy? Well, let’s start with headlines.

They’re your first impression, the handshake before the conversation. So make it count. Instead of the tried-and-tested “How to XYZ,” why not go for “Why XYZ might just be the best worst thing you’re not doing”?

Another way to add surprise is by using unconventional metaphors.

They’re like the secret ingredient in your grandma’s famous stew — they add a unique flavor to your copy. For instance, instead of saying, “Our product is revolutionary,” how about, “Our product is the David Bowie of its industry”?

Feel free to break the rules now and then. Start a sentence with “And” or “But.” Use one-sentence paragraphs. Write like you speak, with all its beautiful imperfections.

Remember, it’s not about being grammatically incorrect but being stylistically bold.

Lastly, never underestimate the power of humor. It’s a potent surprise element that can make your copy more memorable and engaging.

But remember, humor can be subjective, so tread lightly and be sensitive to your audience.

The Mirror of Persuasion: Reflecting Your Audience in Your Copy

What’s more attractive than seeing our reflection? Being able to see ourselves in the product or service we’re being sold. That’s the secret sauce, folks.

Reflection is a powerful tool of persuasion that makes your copy more relatable and your product more appealing.

Knowing your audience inside and out is the first step. What are their desires, fears, challenges, and interests? Once you’ve figured out that, it’s all about reflecting these insights in your copy.

Let’s say you’re selling fitness equipment. Instead of focusing on features like durability or advanced technology, try painting a picture of a life transformed by fitness.

Talk about overcoming challenges, achieving goals, and the joy of leading a healthy lifestyle. Make your reader the hero of this transformation story.

“According to the ‘State of Content Marketing Report,’ personalized content improves engagement rates by 80%. “

Another effective tactic is using you-oriented language.

It directly addresses the reader, making your copy more personal and engaging. Compare “This product can help users increase productivity” with “You’ll get more done in less time.” The latter is much more effective, isn’t it?

Also, consider the tone of your copy.

It should mirror your audience’s way of speaking. If your audience is young and trendy, a formal tone might resonate poorly with them. But a casual tone might seem unprofessional if you’re dealing with corporate clients.

The bottom line is that reflecting your audience in your copy is about them. It’s about their wants, their needs, their dreams. Because when they see themselves in your copy, they’re more likely to see your product or service in their lives.

Testing the Waters: Experimenting with Your Copy

Trial and error, it’s a process that even the best of us can’t escape. Whether it’s a scientist in a lab or a baker in a kitchen, we all need to test our creations.

Copywriting is no different.

Experimentation can lead to unexpected discoveries and improvements.

A key area for testing is your headlines. They’re the bait that lures readers in. So why not try different styles?

From humorous to intriguing, see what resonates most with your audience. Use A/B testing to compare the success of other headlines and adjust accordingly.

Your call-to-action (CTA) is another component that can benefit from experimentation.

Try different wordings, placements, and even colors. Monitor the click-through rates to gauge effectiveness. Feel free to switch things up if something needs to be fixed.

The length of your copy is also worth playing around with. While some swear by long-form copy, others find that short and sweet works best.

The optimal length depends on your audience, product, and medium. Experiment to find what works best for you.

Another way to experiment is by incorporating interactive elements in your copy.

This could be in the form of quizzes, polls, or clickable infographics. They engage the reader and can provide valuable insights into their preferences and behaviors.

Remember, the goal of experimentation isn’t perfection. It’s about learning, improving, and adapting. So roll up your sleeves and get ready to get a little messy!

Building Trust: Crafting Credible Copy That Sells Like Crazy

Trust can be hard to come by in a world of false advertising and scams.

It’s a fragile thing, easily broken, and hard to repair. That’s why building and maintaining trust through your copy is crucial.

The first step to building trust is being honest.

Don’t make promises you can’t keep or exaggerate the benefits of your product or service. It might win you some short-term gains, but it’ll damage your credibility in the long run.

Secondly, back your claims with evidence.

Testimonials, case studies, and reviews can go a long way in establishing trust. They show that others have benefitted from your product or service and are happy to vouch for it.

Being consistent is also crucial.

Ensure your messaging aligns across all channels. If your website promises 24/7 customer support, but your social media says it’s only available during business hours, it creates confusion and doubt.

Lastly, show your human side.

People are more likely to trust other people, not faceless corporations.

Share your story, your values, and even your struggles.

Show them there are real, passionate people behind your brand.

Trust is not just about making a sale. It’s about building relationships and fostering loyalty.

Because, at the end of the day, people buy from brands they trust.

This is the journey to creating copy that sells like crazy, one where every phrase, every word, and every letter works harmoniously to engage, convince, and ultimately convert.

Originally published at on August 3, 2023.

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