The Secret Salesperson in You: How Every Word Matters

The Secret Salesperson in You: How Every Word Matters
Photo by Markus Spiske / Unsplash

Have you ever thought about how often you're actually selling something?

Every single day, whether you realize it or not, you're selling ideas, opinions, and even yourself.

That text you just sent to your mom? Yep, that's a sales pitch.

Let's face it: from casual chats to work emails, we're always trying to convince someone of something.

We're all secret salespeople, but instead of hawking products, we're selling our thoughts, our ideas, and our personalities.

Everyday Life: You're Always Selling Something

Think about the last time you talked about sports with your friends.

Maybe you were going on about why the Lakers are the best team ever or why LeBron James is the greatest player ever to touch a basketball.

Guess what? You weren't just sharing your opinion – you were selling it.

When you break it down, you were trying to convince your buddies that:

1. You know your stuff when it comes to basketball

2. Your judgment about teams and players is spot-on

3. They should agree with you (and maybe even become Lakers fans too)

But it's not just sports talk.

Take a look at your social media.

That vacation photo you posted last week? The one with the perfect sunset and your hair looking just right?

You might think you were sharing a nice moment, but you were selling an image of your life.

With that single post, you were telling the world:

• "Look how amazing my life is!"

• "I have great taste in vacation spots."

• "I'm the kind of person who appreciates beautiful moments."

Even those quick emails to your family and friends are mini sales pitches.

You're selling your good taste when you suggest a new restaurant for your next get-together.

You're saying, "Trust me, I know what's good, and you'll love this place."

Work-Life: Selling Your Professional Self

Now, let's talk about work.

Every email you send to your boss or other members of the organization is like a little commercial for you.

You're not just sharing information – you're selling yourself as a competent, reliable employee who deserves recognition (and maybe a raise).

When you give a presentation in a meeting, each slide is a pitch for your ideas and expertise. You're saying, "Look how much I know! My ideas are worth listening to!"

Even when writing a proposal for a new project, you're not just selling the idea. You're also selling your ability to make it happen. You're telling your company, "Trust me with this. I'm the right person for the job."

The Unconscious Salesperson in You

Here's the kicker: we usually don't even realize we're doing this.

It's like we have an inner salesperson who's always on the job, even when we're not aware of it.

The words we choose, our tone of voice, even our body language – it's all part of our sales pitch.

Using a word like "innovative" instead of just "new," you're subtly selling your idea as cutting-edge and exciting.

Why Does This Matter?

Understanding that we're always "selling" can make us better communicators.

Here's why:

1. It helps us be more clear and direct. If you know you're trying to sell an idea, you'll work harder to explain it well.

2. It makes us think more about our audience. Good salespeople know their customers, right? The same goes for good communicators.

3. It can boost our self-awareness. When you realize how you're "selling" yourself, you might discover some interesting things about how you see yourself.

Tips for Better "Selling" in Your Daily Life

So, how can you use this knowledge to communicate better? Here are some tips:

1. Be clear and brief. As the saying goes, "If you can't explain it simply, you can't sell it effectively."

2. Know your audience. Tailor your "pitch" to what matters to them.

3. Stay real. Honest, authentic communication is always the most convincing.

4. Pay attention to your words. They're more powerful than you might think.

5. Listen more. The best salespeople (and communicators) are often the best listeners.

The Ethics of Everyday Selling

Now, you might be thinking, "Isn't it kind of manipulative to think of all communication as selling?"

It's a fair question.

The key is to use this knowledge to communicate more effectively, not to trick people. It's about being clear and persuasive, not pushy or deceptive.

Wrapping It Up

From water cooler chats to boardroom presentations, we're all salespeople.

Every word we write or speak is a chance to share our ideas, show our best selves, and change someone's mind.

So, the next time you open your mouth to speak or your fingers to type, ask yourself: "What am I really trying to sell here?"

The answer might surprise you – and it might just make you a better communicator.

What do you think?

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